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Type: object

By passing in a features object, you can control the availability (enabled/disabled) and behavior (read-only vs editable) of features.

Enabled vs disabled

Enabled features have a button in the toolbar, disabled features are not visible to your users.

To control which features are available to your users, you have two options: either you have all features enabled by default and disable some, or you disable all features by default and explicitly enable those you want enabled. The difference between these options is that in the former case, new features will automatically be available to your users. In the latter, new features won't be available until you explicitly enable them.

Features that can be enabled/disabled are:

  • nodes - Editing the nodes (and therefore shape) of polygon shapes, polygon areas, and sections.
  • labeling - Labeling objects.
  • focalPoint - Set, move or remove the focal point.
  • rows - Drawing rows.
  • tables - Drawing tables.
  • tables.bookAsAWhole - allow the use of bookable-as-a-whole tables.
  • tables.variableOccupancy - allow the use of variable occupancy tables.
  • booths - Drawing booths.
  • areas - Drawing areas.
  • shapes - Drawing shapes.
  • texts - Placing text.
  • sections - Drawing sections.
  • icons - Placing icons.
  • images - Placing images.
  • viewFromYourSeat - Set or remove View From Seat images from objects.
  • firstTimeTutorial - Displaying a quick tutorial for first time users.
  • backgroundImage - Setting or removing a background image visible to ticket buyers.
  • referenceChart - Calibrating or removing the reference chart used to trace on top of.
  • categoryList - Managing and applying categories.
  • objectProperties - Adjusting size of shapes, quantity of seats in rows and tables, curving, smoothing, etc...
  • contextActions - Performing actions such as copy, cut, paste, flip, align, etc...
  • publishedSectionLabel - Editing the the "Label" of areas and sections, which have been published and could contain bookings already. However, this does not affect the "Section label" property of objects on section-less charts.
  • publishing - Displaying the Publish button. Disable this if you wish to publish via an API call instead.

To have all features enabled by default, and disable some, you need to pass in features.disabled, like so:

features: {
disabled: ['focalPoint', 'backgroundImage', 'rows', 'booths', 'tables']

To have all features disabled by default, and enable just some, you use features.enabled instead, like so:

features: {
enabled: ['rows', 'booths', 'tables', 'texts', 'sections']
Use either "disabled" or "enabled"

Using features.disabled and features.enabled together will result in a JavaScript error.


Some features' behavior can be made read-only: they are visible, but not editable. These features are:

  • chartName - Editing the chart name. Make it read-only if you wish to manage chart names on your end, and set them via an API call.
  • categoryList - Managing categories. If read-only, users can still apply them to objects, but cannot add or remove categories. Read more.
features: {
readOnly: ['chartName', 'categoryList']
Compatible with "enabled" or "disabled"

features.readOnly can be used with either features.enabled or features.disabled.