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Detailed chart Reports

The detailed chart reports allow you to retrieve lists of objects on a chart.

You can retrieve each of these reports in different representations, called report types. For example, the byLabel report will give you an overview of all seats per seat label, whereas the byCategoryKey report will give you an overview of all different categories present on the seating chart, together with a list of the seats that belong to that category.

The following report types are available: byLabel, byCategoryKey, byCategoryLabel, byObjectType and bySection.

Most properties in the responses should be self-explanatory. However, ids and labels deserve some attention.

labels contains the displayed label for the object, its parent row or table, and its section. In most cases, the 'technical' label (aka the ID) of an object is the same as its display label. But if needed, you can set a different display label in the designer.

ids contains the technical labels, by which objects are identified (e.g. when booking them).

A note on tables

If your floor plan contains tables, those are returned as separate objects. You can control this behaviour by passing in an optional bookWholeTables query parameter:

GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/{reportType}?bookWholeTables=chart
  • with bookWholeTables=chart, the report respects the table booking settings defined on the chart. If a table is bookable as a whole, the report contains the table (and not the seats). If a table is not bookable as a whole, the report contains the seats (and not the table).
  • without the bookWholeTables query param, both seats at tables, and the tables themselves will be returned in the response
  • with bookWholeTables=true, the response will only contain the tables, and not the seats.
  • with bookWholeTables=false, the response will only contain the seats at the tables, and not the tables.
  • with version=draft, the draft version of the chart will be used to generate the report.


GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byLabel?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byLabel
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byLabel?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byLabel?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byLabel?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byLabel?version=draft

Multiple objects could have the same label, that's why they're returned as an array.

curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 
"SEC A-C-11": [
"label": "SEC A-C-11",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "11", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "11",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Ground Floor",
"categoryKey": "1",
"entrance": "Main entrance",
"section": "Floor",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-10",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-12",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"SEC A-C-35": [
"label": "SEC A-C-35",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "35", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "35",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Balcony",
"categoryKey": "5",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-34",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-36",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 12.878,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"SEC A-C-45": [
"label": "SEC A-C-45",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "45", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "45",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Balcony",
"categoryKey": "2",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-46",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-44",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 20.2134,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"GA": [
"label": "GA",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "General Admission 1", "type": "generalAdmission" }
"ids": {
"own": "GA"
"categoryLabel": "Standing",
"categoryKey": 6,
"capacity": 100,
"objectType": "generalAdmission",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 89.213
"T1": [
"label": "T1",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "T1", "type": "table" }
"ids": {
"own": "T1"
"categoryLabel": "Standing",
"categoryKey": 6,
"objectType": "table",
"numSeats": 5,
"bookAsAWhole": false,
"distanceToFocalPoint": 89.213


GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey?version=draft

The response is a JSON object where all the keys are category keys, and the values an array of objects that represent the seats belonging to that category.

"8": [
"label": "3-A-1",
"labels": {
"parent": {
"label": "Row A",
"type": "row"
"own": {
"label": "1",
"type": "seat"
"section": "Section 3"
"ids": {
"own": "1",
"parent": "A",
"section": "3"
"objectType": "seat",
"categoryKey": "8",
"categoryLabel": "VIP",
"section": "3",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"label": "3-A-2",
"labels": {
"parent": {
"label": "Row A",
"type": "row"
"own": {
"label": "2",
"type": "seat"
"section": "Section 3"
"ids": {
"own": "2",
"parent": "A",
"section": "3"
"objectType": "seat",
"categoryKey": "8",
"categoryLabel": "VIP",
"section": "3",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 89.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"9": [
"label": "201-A-1",
"labels": {
"parent": {
"label": "Row A",
"type": "row"
"own": {
"label": "1",
"type": "seat"
"section": "Section 201"
"ids": {
"own": "1",
"parent": "A",
"section": "201"
"objectType": "seat",
"categoryKey": "9",
"categoryLabel": "regular",
"section": "201",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 34.847,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false


GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel?version=draft

The response has the same structure as the byCategoryKey endpoint, but JSON object's keys are category labels in this case:

"Golden Circle": [
"label": "3-A-1",
"labels": {
"parent": {
"label": "Row A",
"type": "row"
"own": {
"label": "1",
"type": "seat"
"section": "Section 3"
"ids": {
"own": "1",
"parent": "A",
"section": "3"
"objectType": "seat",
"categoryKey": "8",
"categoryLabel": "VIP",
"section": "3",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"label": "3-A-2",
"labels": {
"parent": {
"label": "Row A",
"type": "row"
"own": {
"label": "2",
"type": "seat"
"section": "Section 3"
"ids": {
"own": "2",
"parent": "A",
"section": "3"
"objectType": "seat",
"categoryKey": "8",
"categoryLabel": "VIP",
"section": "3",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"Balcony": [
"label": "201-A-1",
"labels": {
"parent": {
"label": "Row A",
"type": "row"
"own": {
"label": "1",
"type": "seat"
"section": "Section 201"
"ids": {
"own": "1",
"parent": "A",
"section": "201"
"objectType": "seat",
"categoryKey": "9",
"categoryLabel": "regular",
"section": "201",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false


GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType?version=draft
curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 
"seat": [
"label": "SEC A-C-11",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "11", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "11",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Ground Floor",
"categoryKey": "1",
"entrance": "Main entrance",
"section": "Floor",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-10",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-12",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"label": "SEC A-C-35",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "35", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "35",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Balcony",
"categoryKey": "5",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-34",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-36",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"label": "SEC A-C-45",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "45", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "45",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Balcony",
"categoryKey": "2",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-46",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-44",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"generalAdmission": [
"label": "GA",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "General Admission 1", "type": "generalAdmission" }
"ids": {
"own": "GA"
"categoryLabel": "Standing",
"categoryKey": 6,
"capacity": 100,
"objectType": "generalAdmission",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245
"table": [],
"booth": []


GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection?version=draft
curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 
"Section A": [
"label": "SEC A-C-11",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "11", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "11",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Ground Floor",
"categoryKey": "1",
"entrance": "Main entrance",
"section": "Floor",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-10",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-12",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"label": "SEC A-C-35",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "35", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "35",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Balcony",
"categoryKey": "5",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-34",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-36",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"label": "SEC A-C-45",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "45", "type": "seat" },
"parent": { "label": "Row C", "type": "row" },
"section": "Section A"
"ids": {
"own": "45",
"parent": "C",
"section": "SEC A"
"categoryLabel": "Balcony",
"categoryKey": "2",
"objectType": "seat",
"leftNeighbour": "SEC A-C-46",
"rightNeighbour": "SEC A-C-44",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245,
"isAccessible": true,
"isCompanionSeat": false,
"hasRestrictedView": false
"Section B": [
"label": "GA",
"labels": {
"own": { "label": "General Admission 1", "type": "generalAdmission" }
"ids": {
"own": "GA"
"categoryLabel": "Standing",
"categoryKey": 6,
"capacity": 100,
"objectType": "generalAdmission",
"distanceToFocalPoint": 10.3245