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Summary chart reports

Summary reports are a summarised version of the detailed chart reports. They indicate how many places are in a certain category or section.

Do note that these reports contain places, not objects. E.g.

"generalAdmission": {
"count": 80

This means there are 80 places in general admission areas, not 80 individual GA areas.

A note on tables

If your floor plan contains tables, both seats at those tables and the tables themselves are counted by default. You can control this behaviour by passing in an optional bookWholeTables query parameter:

GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/{reportType}/summary?bookWholeTables=chart
  • with bookWholeTables=chart, the report respects the table booking settings defined on the chart. If a table is bookable as a whole, the report contains the table (and not the seats). If a table is not bookable as a whole, the report contains the seats (and not the table).
  • without the bookWholeTables query param, both seats at tables, and the tables themselves will be returned in the response
  • with bookWholeTables=true, the response will only contain the tables, and not the seats.
  • with bookWholeTables=false, the response will only contain the seats at the tables, and not the tables.
  • with version=draft, the draft version of the chart will be used to generate the report.

Summary report by category label

GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel/summary?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel/summary
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel/summary?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel/summary?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel/summary?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryLabel/summary?version=draft
curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 
"premium": {
"count": 34,
"bySection": {
"Floor": 12,
"Balcony": 22
"byObjectType": { ... }
"standard": {
"count": 80,
"bySection": {
"Balcony": 80
"byObjectType": { ... }
"count": 0,
"bySection": {},
"byObjectType": { ... }

Summary report by category key

GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey/summary?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey/summary
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey/summary?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey/summary?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey/summary?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byCategoryKey/summary?version=draft
curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 
"1": {
"count": 34,
"bySection": {
"Floor": 12,
"Balcony": 22
"byObjectType": { ... }
"2": {
"count": 80,
"bySection": {
"Balcony": 80
"byObjectType": { ... }
"count": 0,
"bySection": {},
"byObjectType": {}

Summary report by section

GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection/summary?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection/summary
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection/summary?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection/summary?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection/summary?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/bySection/summary?version=draft
curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 
"Floor": {
"count": 34,
"byCategoryLabel": {
"premium": 10,
"standard": 24
"byCategoryKey": {
"1": 10,
"2": 24
"byObjectType": { ... }
"Balcony": {
"count": 80
"byCategoryLabel": {
"premium": 2,
"standard": 78
"byCategoryKey": {
"1": 2,
"2": 78
"byObjectType": { ... }
"count": 0,
"byCategoryLabel": {},
"byCategoryKey": {},
"byObjectType": {}

Summary report by object type

GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType/summary?bookWholeTables=chart&version=draft
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType/summary
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType/summary?bookWholeTables=chart
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType/summary?bookWholeTables=true
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType/summary?bookWholeTables=false
GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/byObjectType/summary?version=draft
curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 

Example response

"seat": {
"count": 34,
"bySection": {
"Floor": 12,
"Balcony": 22
"byCategoryLabel": {
"premium": 10,
"standard": 24
"byCategoryKey": {
"1": 10,
"2": 24
"generalAdmission": {
"count": 80,
"bySection": {
"Balcony": 80
"byCategoryLabel": {
"premium": 2,
"standard": 78
"byCategoryKey": {
"1": 2,
"2": 78
"booth": {
"count": 80,
"bySection": {
"Balcony": 80
"byCategoryLabel": {
"premium": 2,
"standard": 78
"byCategoryKey": {
"1": 2,
"2": 78
"table": {
"count": 80,
"bySection": {
"Balcony": 80
"byCategoryLabel": {
"premium": 2,
"standard": 78
"byCategoryKey": {
"1": 2,
"2": 78