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Retrieve a season

This call retrieves a season. It's the same as the one that retrieves a regular event. The returned object has some extra keys though:

  • events: array of events for the season. Not present when fetching a list of seasons, only when retrieving a single season.
  • partialSeasonKeys: array of partial season keys for the season. Only filled in for top-level seasons. Not present when fetching a list of seasons, only when retrieving a single season.
GET https://api-{region}{seasonKey}
curl https://api-{region} -u aSecretKey: 


"id": 168,
"key": "aSeason",
"tableBookingConfig": {
"mode": "CUSTOM",
"tables": {
"T1": "BY_TABLE",
"T2": "BY_SEAT",
"T3": "BY_TABLE"
"chartKey": "4150dddc-e41f-c7cb-986a-2c5e728b8c20",
"supportsBestAvailable": true,
"forSaleConfig": {
"forSale": false,
"objects": [
"categories": []
"channels": [
"name": "Channel 1",
"key": "8950dddc-e51f-c7cb-986a-2c5e728b8c21",
"color": "#aaaaaa",
"objects": [
"createdOn": "2017-03-05T10:58:44.715Z",
"updatedOn": "2017-04-05T10:58:44.615Z",
"events": [
"id": 170,
"key": "event1",
"partialSeasonKeys": ["partialSeason1", "partialSeason2"],
"isSeason": true,
"isTopLevelSeason": true,
"isPartialSeason": false,
"isEventInSeason": false,
"isInThePast": false
  • isInThePast: Indicates if an event has been marked as in the past. This is only applicable for events in a season, seasons themselves cannot be marked as in the past