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Type: object

enabled: false,
multiSelect: true,
zoomOnSelect: false,
sortBy: 'price' | 'none'

Used to enable or disable the category filter GUI, as well as configuring certain aspects of it.

The category filter allows the user to refine the search of tickets suitable for them without the need of coding any custom UI. It works for both desktop and mobile out of box.

Parameters that aren't passed will use their default values instead.

Supported parameters are:

  • enabled - Default: false. If true, the category filter will be visible.
  • multiSelect - Default: true. If true, multiple categories can be selected at once.
  • zoomOnSelect - Default: false. If true, the chart will zoom in or out to fit in the viewport the filtered objects.
  • sortBy - Default: 'price'. By default, categories are sorted by price from lowest to highest. The other sorting options are:
    • 'none': Lists categories in the order they are defined in the chart designer
    • 'priceDescending': Sorted by price from highest to lowest
    • 'name': Sorted alphabetically by category name

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