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Copy a chart to a workspace

Use this call to copy a published chart version from its workspace to another workspace. Events and tags linked to the original chart are not copied.

The response contains the chartKey of the new chart. You can store this in your database, and use it to refer to the newly created chart in the future.

# if you want to pass in the from workspace key explicitly
POST https://api-{region}{chartKey}/version/published/actions/copy/from/{fromWorkspaceKey}/to/{toWorkspaceKey}

# if you want to copy from the default workspace
POST https://api-{region}{chartKey}/version/published/actions/copy-to-workspace/{workspaceKey}
curl -X POST https://api-{region}{chart key}/version/published/actions/copy/from/{from workspace key}/to/{to workspace key} \
-u {admin key}:

curl -X POST https://api-{region}{chart key}/version/published/actions/copy-to-workspace/{to workspace key} \
-u {admin key}: \
-H X-Workspace-Key: {public key of from workspace}
"tags": [],
"archived": false,
"publishedVersionThumbnailUrl": ""
A note about authentication

Because copying a chart between workspaces is an operation that requires privileges on both workspaces, you'll need to use your company admin key as a secret key. You can find the admin key at your company settings page.