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Retrieve a chart

This endpoint retrieves the metadata that is shared between the published and draft versions of a chart (id, key, status, archived etc).

GET https://api-{region}{key}

GET https://api-{region}{key}?expand=events

Query parameters

  • expand (optional) A chart can have events linked to it. By adding expand=events, the events are returned in the 'events' field in the response.


curl https://api-{region} \
-u aSecretKey:

The response is a JSON object that represents the chart:

"archived": false,
"tags": ['tag1', 'tag2'],
"publishedVersionThumbnailUrl": ""

status can take the following values:

  • NOT_USED: there's no event yet for the chart
  • PUBLISHED: there's an event for the chart, and there's no draft version
  • PUBLISHED_WITH_DRAFT: there's an event for the chart, and there's a draft version

And with expand=events, it includes the events:

"archived": false,
"tags": ['tag1', 'tag2'],
"publishedVersionThumbnailUrl": "",
"events": [
"id": "50",
"bookWholeTables": false,
"key": "eventKey2"
"id": "49",
"bookWholeTables": false,
"key": "event34"

Error 404 (Not Found) is returned when the chart does not exist.