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Publish a draft version

Publishing a draft version means replacing the currently published version by the draft version. The draft version is deleted afterwards. This cannot be undone!

POST https://api-{region}{chartKey}/version/draft/actions/publish
curl -X POST https://api-{region} \
-u aSecretKey:


If everything goes well and the draft chart is published, you'll get a 204 No Content response.

If, however, the chart contains validation errors, the chart is not published and a 400 Bad Request response is issued. The response body contains details of why the validation failed and looks like this:

"status": 400,
"messages": [
"Failed to publish chart [key: <Chart key>]: invalid draft drawing",
"Invalid draft drawing"
"errors": [
"message": "Failed to publish chart [key: <Chart key>]: invalid draft drawing",
"data": {
"failedValidations": [
"warnings": [
"message": "Invalid draft drawing",
"data": {
"failedValidations": [
"requestId": "<request id>"

Currently the following validators are supported:

  • VALIDATE_UNLABELED_OBJECTS: can a chart contain unlabeled seats?
  • VALIDATE_DUPLICATE_LABELS: can a chart contain two bookable objects that have the same label (e.g. two seats with label A-1)
  • VALIDATE_OBJECTS_WITHOUT_CATEGORIES: Is it allowed for a seat to have no category?
  • VALIDATE_FOCAL_POINT: Is a focal point required for a seating chart to be valid? Charts without focal point cannot use Best Available seat selection.
  • VALIDATE_OBJECT_TYPES_PER_CATEGORY: Is it allowed to, for example, apply a category A to both seats and booths?

You can set the validation level for each of them via your settings page.