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Retrieve a chart thumbnail

Chart thumbnails are static PNG representations of a seating chart. This means that you cannot interact with the objects on the chart. You typically use them when showing a list of charts to a user, e.g. when integrating into your backoffice system.

These thumbnails are not a completely accurate representation of the seating chart. To get a high-detail static representation of a single chart, use print mode.


To use the thumbnail in an <img> tag, use the publicly accessible publishedVersionThumbnailUrl (or draftVersionThumbnailUrl) that is returned by the list charts and retrieve chart calls instead of the call documented below.

Retrieve the published version thumbnail

GET https://api-{region}{chartKey}/version/published/thumbnail

This requires authentication by secret key. For a publicly available URL, use the publishedVersionThumbnailUrl that is returned by list charts and retrieve chart .

curl https://api-{region} \
-u aSecretKey:

Example response
